Monomo Journal

Keep track of your life events

Monomo is an intuitive and easy to use journal for iPhone, iPad and Mac. It's the best way to keep track of your life events.

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A tag for everything

Tags allow you to keep track of the people you interacted with, the places you've been, the sports you've played or feelings you've experienced. The app will also help you to automatically assign tags with the "auto tags" feature.

When did I go for a run?

View your tags on a calendar. You will be able to see, for example, when you went for a run, when you met a certain person or when you were particularly happy.

Old memories

The app is also perfect for keeping track of old memories. You don't remember the exact day a certain event happened? No problem! You can just specify the year and month.

Your journal is safe

Set up a passcode and use Touch ID or Face ID to keep your journal safe from prying eyes.

Always with you

The app works on iPhone, iPad and Mac. iCloud sync (optional) allows you to keep your journal synced between all your devices.

Time to read

Do you want to reread your journal? Reading mode will help you focus on the content.


Add images to your journal entries. The app will use the GPS coordinates of the photos to show you where you were when you took them.

Your data is private

The app keeps all data locally on your device. We have absolutely no way to access your data, even when iCloud sync is enabled.